goldfish pop eye disease

Goldfish Pop Eye Disease: Cause, Symptoms and Treatment

Cause, Symptoms and the Treatment: Fish Pop Eye Disease

Are you looking for more information on the Fish Pop Eye disease? 

goldfish pop eye

In that case, you have come to the right place!

Exophthalmia or Fish Pop Eye Disease is a condition in which the fish’ eye gets swollen and abnormally protrudes from its socket. This condition can affect one or both the eyes.

In this article, we will go through everything that you need to know about the Fish Pop Eye Disease including its causes, symptoms, and treatment in as much detail as we can.

So, without further ado, let’s begin!

Here we go.

Let’s Take a Look at the Main Causes of Fish Pop Eye Disease

There are various reasons that cause the Fish Pop Eye Disease.

pop eye aquarium fish disease


In fact, in most cases, the underlying disorder may never be known!

Unilateral fish pop disease may be caused due to an injury—especially if only one fish has a popeye. Other reasons may include a fight with another fish, scraped eye against an object in the tank, etc.

In most of these cases, the eye will eventually heal.

If the condition is seen in both the eyes, parasites and bacteria may be behind it. Internal problems such as a metabolic issue or kidney failure are also common causes.

Poor water conditions may also be a cause.

This is continued exposure to chronically poor water conditions. This disease is common in overcrowded aquariums that get infrequent water changes. 

Aquariums with messy fish kept in unhygienic conditions are hotbeds for the condition.

Fish Pop Eye Disease and Its Symptoms

In this section of the article, we will go through the various symptoms of the fish pop eye disease.

Take a peek.

  • Marked swelling in both or one eye
  • Discolored eye
  • Cloudy eye
  • Bloodstained eyes
  • Damage to the cornea

Proper treatment ensures that your fish live a long and healthy life.

How Do You Treat the Fish Pop Eye Disease?

The treatment of this disease is specific to its underlying cause.

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If the condition is caused due to an injury, it is wise to use aqua​​rium salt to perform palliative care as the eye heals.

Monitoring the water chemistry by performing regular water changes also helps the fish recover.

You should remove the fish that are suffering from any parasitical or bacterial infection from the tank into a quarantine tank to ensure that they don’t infect other fish. You may use a broad-spectrum antibiotic food to help treat the infection.

If multiple fish are infected, we recommend using antibio​​tics in the main tank as well.

Summing it Up: Cause, Symptoms and the Treatment of the Fish Pop Eye Disease

Were we able to answer all of your questions? 

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Fish Pop Eye Disease is a condition in which the fish’ eye gets swollen and abnormally protrudes from its socket.

This condition can affect one or both the eyes.

Poor water condition​​s may be a cause.

Proper treatment ensures that your fish live a long and healthy life.