banana plant aquariums

Banana Plants : Let’s Look at this aquatic Plant For Aquariums

Are you looking to know more about the banana aquatic plant? 

In that case, you’re just in the right place!

This freshwater aquarium plant is also known as Fairy Water Lily, Banana Lily, or Big Floating Heart, and is a quite common one. You can easily find this at your local pet store.

This plant has a banana-like look thanks to its thick green tubers.

In this blog post, we will quickly go through everything you need to know about the banana aquatic plant including what to look for, care, etc. in as much detail as we can.

So, without further ado, let’s jump right in.

Here we go.

A Quick Introduction to the Banana Aquatic Plant

You can find this plant naturally thriving in the ponds, swamps, slow rives, and lakes in the south and southeast of the United States.

Did you know that this plant is classified as endangered in its natural habitat?

With that being said, while it as uncommon to find this plant in its natural environment, this plant is actually very commonly seen in pet shops!

The aquarium banana plant has long leaves and a stem that shoots towards the surface of the tank. The plant also grows small, white colored flowers at the surface of the water.

When you’re looking to buy this plant for your aquarium, it is essential to choose one with healthy green stems, leaves, roots, and tubers. A healthy plant has solid green leaves without any cracks, holes, or other damage around its edges.

Older leaves are dark green in color while newer leaves are slightly lighter.

It is important to note that if you find any damaged leaves on the plant, you’ll have to trim them or cut them off as they can’t fix themselves.

The plant is still okay to purchase if you find a few damaged leaves—as they’re only natural to find. However, if there are more damaged leaves than healthy ones, you shouldn’t purchase the plant.

If you are considering an Aquatic Banana Plant for your aquarium then you should look for:

  • Healthy green leaves, tubers, stem and roots
  • Solid green leaves is a sign of good health (leaves do not have cracks, holes or other types of damage)
  • Light green leaves are an indication that they are newer, whereas dark green leaves are an indication that they are older.
  • Thick tubers are healthy tubers
    • The Aquatic Banana Plant’s nutrients are stored in these tubers, the greater the thickness the more nutrients the plant has stored.
  • Avoid Aquatic Banana Plants that are growing mold or algae on them 

Keep in mind that this plants is a tuber.

What does that mean?

Well, the Banana Aquatic Plant has thick tubers under the stem which makes the plant look like it is growing bananas (hence, the name). These tubers are where most of the plants’ nutrients are stored.

Did you know that the stems of this plant can grow up to be as long as 28 inches!? 

The leaves of this plant can also have a patchy red color so, don’t think that the plant is damaged.

Also Known As…: Different Names The Banana Aquatic Plant Goes By

The Banana Aquatic Plant goes by various names. Take a look at this plants’ various aliases:

  • The Brain Plant
  • The Banana Lily
  • The Big Floating Heart
  • The Freshwater Banana Plant
  • The Aquatic Banana Plant
  • The Fairy Water Lilly
  • The Nymphoides Aquatica
  • The Heart Water Lily
  • Underwater Banana plant

One little plant with so many names!

Where does the Aquatic Banana Plant grow?

They are commonly found growing in calm rivers and lakes in Florida. They are also popular in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and Virginia.

Your Guide to Taking Care of the Banana Aquatic Plant For Aquariums

The good news is that taking care of the Banana Aquatic plant isn’t too complicated!

This resilient and hardy plant can live for a long time if you provide it with the right living conditions. This plant is well-suited for almost all tank sizes, which is excellent. So, the plant can survive in a really small 10-gallon tank or in the largest tanks of them all!

Convenient, right?

Apart from that, this plant takes root in the substrate or gravel as it is a foreground plant. We highly recommend that you use a black substrate for aesthetic purposes.

This plant does well in freshwater community tanks. The ideal aquarium pH for this plant is between 6.0 – 7.5 and the ideal water temperature is somewhere between 70 – 82 degree Fahrenheit.

The plant does excellent in moderately lit conditions and grows new leaves every few weeks.

It is also not uncommon to see new runners and roots either.

This plant also does quite well in dimly lit conditions and is a good choice for beginners. Keep in mind that with lower light, the growth rate, too will be low.

How to Plant a Banana Aquatic Plant

You can plant your Banana Aquatic plant in a few different way which depends on if the plant will float or sink.

If the plant sinks, you can plant it in areas of calm water so that the plant can float above the substrate or gravel. If you leave the plant to float, it will eventually grow roots from its stem above the tubers and will grow downwards.

This will anchor the plant to the substrate.

The roots of the plant are brightly colored at first but once they anchor themselves, the root exposed to the water and light will turn dark green in color and look more toughened-up while the root in the substrate will look white in color.

If you have a tank with more current, things are a little different.

If you wish to plant the banana aquatic plant in areas that have a stronger water current, you can bury the tubers in the substrate to ensure that the plant stays in place. Keep in mind not to bury more than 1/4 inch of the plant!

You should take caution during the root burying process. When burying the roots and tubers be careful not to bury more than ¼ of an inch of the tubers.

It is critical that ¾ of the tubers remain unburied.

And, that’s it!

In Conclusion: Let’s Look at the Banana Aquatic Plant For Aquariums!

Did you find what you were looking for?

The Banana Aquatic Plant is naturally found in south and southwest parts of the United States and is classified as endangered in its natural habitat.

However, the plant is readily available at pet stores for aquariums.

This unique-looking Rosette plant makes an excellent choice for aquariums as it is low in terms of maintenance and thrives beautiful to look at.

Banana Plants are a great choice for hobbyists because they are unique, interesting low in terms of maintenance and thrives beautiful to look at.

Your fish and other aquatic creatures are not likely to consume these plants which will make them a great choice for tank decorations.

However, do not be surprised if your goldfish decide to nibble on the leaves when they feel like munching between meals. 

Do you have any questions or concerns? Leave them in the comments section, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.