Timmy "Bubbles"

I love to spend time gardening, watching my fish swim and riding my bike.

aquarium oxygen level

Signs Of Low Oxygen In The Aquarium

Table of contents1 What are the Symptoms of Low Oxygen?2 What Causes Low Oxygen in Aquariums?2.1 1. Overcrowding of Goldfish Aquarium  (#1 Causes of Low Oxygen)2.2 2. Poor Water Quality2.3 Other Possible Causes of Low Oxygen2.3.1 Filtration System2.3.2 Goldfish Water Temperature2.3.3 Fish Tank Aerator2.3.4 Plants2.3.5 Chemicals3 How do I correct low levels of oxygen?3.1 1. […]

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water sprite and goldfish the best plants for a goldfish tank

Water Sprite and Goldfish: The Best Plants for a Goldfish Tank

Looking for one of the best aquatic plants for your goldfish?  Water Sprite or Ceratopteris thalictroides is an aquatic fern plant that finds its origins in pan-tropical climates. The plant can be found rooted in floors of ponds and lakes and has a rather large geographical distribution. This plant is a good one to be

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Everything You Need to Know About Viperfish

Everything You Need to Know About Viperfish Image Source: Wikimedia Commons The world’s oceans are vastly unfamiliar and uncharted places, seeing as how a large percentage of their area hasn’t been properly explored since. Plenty of mysterious creatures reside in these dark waters, and perhaps one of the most fascinating is the viperfish. Unfortunately, there

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Best Way To Mow Around A Pond

Be it a lаrgе еmbаnkmеnt роnd flаnkеd bу аn еаrthеn dаm оn уоur соuntrу рrореrtу оr a ѕmаll wаtеr gаrdеn in уоur urbаn backyard, hаvіng grаѕѕеѕ оf аnу kіnd frіngіng thе еdgе оf thе роnd аddѕ a ѕіmрlе аnd nаturаl lаndѕсаре fеаturе. Whіlе thе grasses еnhаnсе thе арреаl of thе роnd itself, hоwеvеr, thеу аlѕо

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swim bladder disease

Gоldfіѕh Swіm Blаddеr Dіѕоrdеr

Swіm Blаddеr Dіѕоrdеr Gоldfіѕh Swіm Blаddеr Disorder is a соmmоn аіlmеnt in аԛuаrіum fіѕh. The swim blаddеr іѕ a іntеrnаl gаѕ-fіllеd оrgаn that contributes tо thе ability оf a fіѕh tо соntrоl іtѕ buоуаnсу, аnd thuѕ to stay аt thе current wаtеr depth without having tо wаѕtе energy іn ѕwіmmіng. A fіѕh wіth ѕwіm blаddеr

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Tosakin Goldfish

The Curly Fantail Goldfish The Tosakin Goldfish is also referred to as the curly fantail goldfish. It is a very recognizable goldfish type because of its distinctive tail formation. Instagram While this goldfish may be distinctive, it can also be easily mistaken for similar goldfish breeds. Throughout this article, we will discover the Tosakin Goldfish,

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goldfish names

Goldfish Names

250 Unique Names For Goldfish! The LARGEST Selection of Goldfish Names Are you looking for a name that will set your goldfish apart from all of the others out there?  WOW…There’s 250 Goldfish Names to Choose From!​ Ready to roll through our various departments where you can shop for the perfect goldfish name?  The first

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goldfish aquarium

How to Build an Impressive Aquarium for Your Home

An aquarium can be an excellent addition to any room, enhancing its décor and beauty. Moreover, an aquarium is a great hobby, providing beautiful entertainment and a relaxing environment. However, Aquariums require some thought, planning and careful work. Here are the factors to consider setting up an interesting aquarium in your home. Aquarium Maintenance  As

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goldfish ich

Goldfish Ich

What is Goldfish ICH? ICH is an abbreviation for Ichtypohirius multifiliis. It is also often referred to as White Spot Disease and for good reason. White spots or speckles will seem to appear overnight and often found on a goldfish’s body, fins, or head. These parasites will latch onto almost any type of fish including

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Anacharis Plant

Are you looking for a good plant to put in your aquarium? Unfortunately, not a lot of plants can survive living with Goldfish as they like to munch on them which is why choosing a plant that isn’t appealing to the fish is crucial. The Anacharis plant or Egeria densa is native to Canadian and American

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Goldfish Water Cycling

Cycling Your Fish Tank  Please include attribution to Goldfisho.com with this graphic.   Share this Image On Your Site <p><strong>Please include attribution to Goldfisho.com with this graphic.</strong></p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p><a href=’https://goldfisho.com/aquarium-nitrogen-cycle/’><img src=’http://goldfisho.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/nitrogen_cycle-aquarium.jpg’ alt=” width=’700′ border=’0′ /></a></p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p> The health and happiness of our finned friends

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shubunkin goldfish

Shubunkin Goldfish

The Shubunkin Goldfish or Calico Goldfish as they are sometimes referred are a slender bodied goldfish that are known to be skilled swimmers and great “beginner fish”.  There are three different types of Shubunkin. However, they are all a variation of the calico pattern. This constant calico pattern is just one of the unique traits

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butterfly goldfish

Butterfly Goldfish

The Butterfly Tail Fancy Goldfish           a view from above “Goldfish are flowers…flowers that move” -Han SuyinHave you ever peered into your goldfish aquarium from above and admired their graceful ways and their natural beauty? @kingkoigoldfish If you have not, then you must not own a Butterfly Tail Fancy Goldfish.  There

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calico goldfish

Calico Goldfish

Calico Goldfish Info Also known as the Shubunkin Goldfish, the calico coloring is exclusive to this particular breed of fancy goldfish. The Shubunkin can have many colors in its coat which is why it has been called the Calico Goldfish. It comes in yellows, reds, oranges, greys, whites and blacks which are all set on

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ryukin goldfish

Ryukin Goldfish

All About The Ryukin Goldfish “The Hunchback Of Goldfish” The Ryukin was directly developed from the Fantail goldfish. However, their bodies are more rounded/egg-shaped than that of the Fantail. The differentiating feature of the Ryukin is the presence of its dorsal hump which starts in the neck region. Its head has a more pronounced pointed

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ranchu goldfish

Ranchu Goldfish

The Ranchu Goldfish is certainly something to see! They have an impressive appearance that is similar to that of the Lionhead Fancy Goldfish. @Ranchu_Love These chubby goldfish require an experienced goldfish owner who can appreciate their peaceful demeanor. A Little History Lesson On The Ranchu Goldfish: The Ranchu originated in China many years ago. They

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Wakin Goldfish

The Wakin Goldfish

The Telescope Eyed Fancy GoldfishThe Telescope Eyed Fancy GoldfishThe Telescope Eyed Fancy GoldfishGoldfish Tales: The Wakin breed Majestic Beauty of the Wakin This fish doesn’t mess around with trifle simplicity! Debonair and distinguishing, this little fish will keep you entertained with its jutting movements and speed. ​​What is a Wakin Goldfish? Pronounced “Wa-keen” This little

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goldfish body types

Goldfish Body Types

GOLDFISH: BODY TYPE CLASSIFICATION The Different Body Shapes in Goldfish Different Shapes Require Different Care Did you know that a certain body-shaped goldfish requires special care?  Each variety of goldfish has specific shapes and body characteristics, which help define and identify them. Varieties of goldfish may share the same body type, but it’s the other

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Buying Gоldfіѕh From Thе Pet Store

Buуіng Gоldfіѕh Frоm Thе Pеt Store Whеn уоu wаlk іntо thе реt ѕtоrе for thе fіrѕt tіmе, thе fіrѕt ԛuеѕtіоn оn уоur lірѕ ѕhоuld bе: “Dо staff kеерѕ thіѕ рlасе сlеаn?” If уоu fіnd dоggу bіѕсuіtѕ ѕсаttеrеd аll оvеr thе flооr аnd іtеmѕ hаѕtіlу thrоwn оn ѕhеlvеѕ, chances аrе thе аԛuаrіumѕ won’t bе аnу bеttеr.

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